Web browser ↔ Virtual Appliance
Manage the Virtual Appliance using a Web Browser
TCP 443
Virtual Appliance → VMware vCenter
Discover the vSphere environment
TCP 443
VMware ESXi Server → Virtual Appliance
Required to mount the NFS shares exposed via the Virtual Appliance, required for Simulation, Recover and Replicate functionality
TCP 111, TCP 662, TCP 875, TCP 892, TCP 2049, TCP 32803, UDP 111, UDP 2049,
UDP 32769
Software Deployment
Virtual Appliance → Source (Deploying Software(Windows))
WinRM is required to deploy Windows software from the VA
TCP 5985 (HTTP)
TCP 5986 (HTTPS)
Source (Deploying Software(Windows)) → Virtual Appliance
TCP 445 (SMB)
Virtual Appliance → Deploying Software (Linux)
SSH is required to deploy Linux software from the VA
TCP 22 (SCP)
Source (Windows/Linux) BMR Discovery Client → Virtual Appliance
Recovery and Replication Environments
Windows/Linux CloneManager Source Environments → Virtual Appliance
Linux CloneManager Target Environments → Virtual Appliance/Source EnvironmentsRequired for Licensing
Linux: TCP 80 - From target to VA
Windows: TCP 443 - From Target to VA
The following ports are required to manage replications
Virtual Appliance → Target Server
Target → Source Server
TCP 4000, TCP 4001, UDP 4000, UDP 4001
Replication Source ↔ Target Environments
Required to transfer replication data between source and target system
TCP 445, UDP 500
TCP 4000, TCP 4001, UDP 4000, UDP 4001
TCP 22 (Linux Only)
TCP 9000, UDP 9000 (Windows Block Based Replication Only)
TCP 4002 (Only Windows and when SSL is configured in the ‘Advanced Configuration’ tab under the ‘Encrypted transfer’ option.)
TCP 4003 When ‘Use Easy Transport Configuration’ is used in ‘Advanced Configuration’ tab option in the job setup
Virtual Appliance → ET Environment
Allows the Virtual Environment to talk to the Enhanced Testing Environment to manage replications
TCP 80