The Storix Admin server can be migrated to a new host. To do this, follow the steps below.
If your ADMIN system is also a backup server (SERVER), please refer to the document README.server_migration located in the storix/docs directory for tips on migrating the SERVER (see below).
These documents are available on the Admin server under:
To migrate the ADMIN system
The following steps will only migrate the ADMIN functionality between hosts.
This document will describe the steps necessary to migrate a currently
configured Administrator (ADMIN) system (Network Edition or TSM Edition) to a
different host.
******************************* IMPORTANT *************************************
If your ADMIN system is also a backup server (SERVER), please refer to the
document README.server_migration located in the storix/docs directory for
tips on migrating the SERVER. See below.
The host currently configured as the ADMIN system controlling your CLIENTS
and SERVERS. -
The host you are migrating the Administrator functionality to. -
A system configured as either a backup or boot server. This may or may not
be your SOURCE ADMIN. -
A system that is configured and controlled by the ADMIN system. -
Client may be organized into groups for administrative purposes. By default
all clients are added to the ‘Main’ group. If you have created additional
groups, you will need to run some of the commands (stclient and stjob)
listed below with the -G {GROUPNAME} flag, where {GROUPNAME} is substituted
for the name of each group. If you have not added any groups you may omit
the -G {GROUPNAME} flag.
STEP 1. Copy ADMIN data from SOURCE to TARGET
All data used by the ADMIN system (clients, jobs, history, labels, etc) is
located in the directory designated as your SBAdmin data directory. By default,
this directory is /storix. If you are unsure of the location of this directory,
you can determine the location by running this command on your SOURCE ADMIN:
# grep "STXPATH=" /.stdefaults
You should see output similar to:
# grep "STXPATH=" /.stdefaults
Use the value of STXPATH to create an archive of your SBAdmin data directory.
# cd /
# tar -cvf storixdata.tar {STXPATH}
ex. # tar -cvf storixdata.tar /storix
Copy the storixdata.tar file on the SOURCE ADMIN to the / directory on the
TARGET ADMIN. Once copied over, untar the directory.
# cd /
# tar -xvf storixdata.tar
If your SOURCE ADMIN is also a backup SERVER, then configuration files
will be copied to TARGET ADMIN in the process and must be removed.
# cd {STXPATH}/config
# rm -f server* vdev*
STEP 2. Install the SBAdmin software on the TARGET ADMIN
On the host you have designated as the TARGET ADMIN, install the software with
the license options matching your SOURCE ADMIN. You may use the same license key
for the purposes of the migration only. Use the same configuration settings as
the SOURCE ADMIN regarding port numbers and the location of the SBAdmin data
directory. Make sure you have enough space on the TARGET ADMIN to hold the
configuration data located on the SOURCE ADMIN.
STEP 3. Update authorized Administrator for CLIENTS/SERVERS
For security purposes, SBAdmin CLIENTS and SERVERS may only be administered by
an authorized ADMIN system. The list of authorized administrators is located in
your storix/config/system_admin_hosts file. You can add the hostname of the
TARGET ADMIN to the file or run the following command on the SOURCE ADMIN to
grant access to the TARGET ADMIN:
# stclient -G {GROUPNAME} -a -H {TARGET ADMIN} {client1} {client2} ...
ex. # stclient -a -H padres chargers
You can also loop through each configured client using the following shell
# for clnt in $(stclient -l); do stclient -a -H {TARGET ADMIN} $clnt; done
This will authorize the TARGET ADMIN to now communicate with your clients.
Note: The -G {GROUPNAME} flag is optional. See the GROUPS definition at the
top of this document for further explanation.
STEP 4. Update controlling Administrator for SERVERS
Because SBAdmin SERVERS can be shared between environments managed by different
ADMIN systems, the SERVER has a designated ADMIN system that can make changes
to the server configuration. This authorization is noted in configuration files
located on both the SERVER and the ADMIN system. To update the controlling ADMIN
system for your servers, run the following command on the SOURCE ADMIN:
# stserver -a -C {TARGET ADMIN} {server}
ex. # stserver -a -C padres chargers
You can also loop through each configured server using the following shell
# for svr in $(stserver -l); do stserver -a -C {TARGET ADMIN} $svr; done
This will designate TARGET ADMIN as the controlling ADMIN for your SERVERS.
Note: The -G {GROUPNAME} flag is optional. See the GROUPS definition at the
top of this document for further explanation.
Once the TARGET ADMIN has been configured as the controlling ADMIN for your
SERVERS, run the following command on the TARGET ADMIN to update the SERVER
configuration files on the TARGET ADMIN:
# stserver -a {server}
ex. # stserver -a chargers
You can also loop through each configured server using the following shell
# for svr in $(stserver -l); do stserver -a $svr; done
STEP 5. Update job schedules on TARGET
SBAdmin uses cron for scheduling of backup jobs. Because the job information has
already been transferred to the TARGET ADMIN, you can just re-save the job
records and the crontab entries will automatically be recreated.
One the TARGET ADMIN run:
# for jobid in $(stjob -l); do stjob -a $jobid; done
You may need to restart the cron daemon on the TARGET ADMIN system.
STEP 6. Unconfigure the SOURCE ADMIN system
Your SBAdmin license key can only be used on multiple systems for the purposes
of ADMIN migration. Now that you have migrated your systems, you must
unconfigure the SOURCE ADMIN system. Because you may also have the system
configured as a CLIENT and/or SERVER, you may not want to uninstall the
software but alter the licensing.
If you are NOT using SOURCE ADMIN as a CLIENT OR SERVER and want to remove the
software completely, run the following command:
For AIX:
# /usr/lpp/storix/bin/stuninstall
For Linux/Solaris:
# /opt/storix/bin/stuninstall
If you are using SOURCE ADMIN as a CLIENT OR SERVER, you will need to change the
license and configuration of SOURCE ADMIN. REMINDER: If you need to migrate the
SERVER functionality of SOURCE ADMIN, see the document README.server_migration.
To convert the SOURCE ADMIN license to CLIENT/SERVER, reinstall the software
from on the SOURCE ADMIN and select the license type “c) Client/Server” when
prompted. This will convert your ADMIN to a CLIENT/SERVER.
Please select the license type to install:
w) Workstation Edition
n) Network Edition
t) TSM (Tivoli) Edition
c) Client/Server (requires Network or TSM Admin System)
q) Quit
Enter license type [n] => c
NOTE: You must select “c” to convert your license to client/server.
[root@gm-storix-admin ~]#
To migrate the SERVER system
This document will describe the steps necessary to migrate a currently
configured backup server (SERVER) system to a different host.
A system configured as either a backup or boot server. This may or may not
be your Administrator system. -
The host currently configured as a backup server. -
The host you are migrating the server functionality to.
On the host you have designated as the TARGET SERVER, install the software with
the client/server license option. Add the server from the graphical user
interface (GUI), Web Interface or CLI.
STEP 2. Update jobs to use TARGET SERVER
You will need to update each job that is currently written to SOURCE SERVER to
use TARGET SERVER. You can quickly edit the jobs from the command line using the
stjob command run from the ADMIN system:
# stjob -a -d {backup device on TARGET SERVER} -s {TARGET SERVER} {jobid}
ex. # stjob -a -d /backups/system/%G/shared -s padres weekly
If all of your backup jobs are to the same server and device, you can batch the
changes with the following shell script:
# for job in $(stjob -l); do stjob -a -d {device} -s {SERVER} $job; done
This will change all jobs to use the same server and device. If you need to
create a more complex script, use the -x flag with the -l (list) and -v
(verbose) flags to the stjob command. The -x flag will produce output that is in
a format easier to parse for scripting purposes.
STEP 3. Migrate disk backups from SOURCE SERVER to TARGET SERVER
You can copy or move backup files from the SOURCE server to the TARGET server in
numerous ways. To ensure the records of the backups (backup labels) that are
kept on the ADMIN are up to date, you should use the struncopy command on
the ADMIN so that the backup labels reflect the backups located on the
TARGET SERVER. See the SBAdmin Commands Reference Guide for more details on
the struncopy command syntax.
-D {TARGET DEVICE} -l {backupid}
ex. # struncopy -s padres -d mydevice -S chargers -D mydevice -l 1390953079
By going through the ADMIN system, the backups will be copied using the software
and the history and label information will reflect the correct server. If you
decide to copy the files manually, you will need to update records on the ADMIN
to reflect the new location of the backup files. Use the process described in
Step 4 for rebuilding the backup labels.
STEP 4. Migrate disk backups without copying data
If the SOURCE SERVER and the TARGET SERVER can utilize the same backend storage,
then there is no need to copy the data between them. For instance, in the case
of SAN or NAS storage, you can attach the storage from SOURCE SERVER to
TARGET SERVER. The only problem is that the backup labels will not reflect the
correct location of the data. When selecting backups from TARGET SERVER from
within the ADMIN interface, you will be asked to rebuild the backup label. This
rebuild process will update the backup records on the ADMIN to reflect the
correct location of the backup data.
If you want to rebuild the backup labels in batch, then use the stbuildlabel
command on the ADMIN system. (See the SBAdmin Commands Reference Guide for more
From the ADMIN system
# stbuildlabel -s {TARGET SERVER} -d {TARGET DEVICE} -l "all"
When using the word “all” for the backup label, the software will search through
the directory used for your configured backup device and rebuild all backup
labels that do not already exist.
[root@gm-storix-admin ~]#