How do I deploy the VA onto Docker?

Starting with version 3.5.1 the VA is now available as a set of docker containers, should you wish to deploy onto your container host and not onto a virtual environment.

In order to do so, you will first need to be familiar with “docker-compose”. Reference documentation can be found here.

You will then need to download the following files:

The files need to be in the following structure:

Once you have these, you will need to edit the “.env” file and update the HOSTMACHINE variable to include the main IP address/hostname of the docker host machine. The following command can then be run to pull the containers:

docker-compose pull

And the following command to deploy the containers:

docker-compose up -d

Depending on your configuration setup you may need to open certain ports as well. The “” script can do this for you or you can adapt it to your needs if you have other firewalls or more complex setups.